Our Charity Partners
CharityMagnets is proud to support the following fine causes. We will be adding more causes so check back here regularly. If you want to raise money for a great cause, click here to see how we can help.
Cops for Kids with Cancer. Cops for Kids with Cancer, a federally recognized 50C3 not-for-profit organization. Donations to CFKWC have saved a family from eviction, helped pay down overwhelming bills and paid to repair the only vehicle used to travel back and forth to the hospital. The situations are heartbreaking and all too real. In the last 5 years, including the hospital donations, CFKWC has given to 280 families in need.
Pulling for Special Olympics. Pulling for Special Olympics is run by the Maple Park Police Department and raises money for the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics.
Maple Park Police Department for Special Olympics. The Maple Park Police Department for Special Olympics Raising funds for the Special Olympians in Illinois by hosting various activities during the year.
And here is a Police League Softball Team that we proudly sponsor through The Blue Honor Foundation: